I’ve been thinking a lot about my mother recently, since the publication of my newest novel, Before We Visit the Goddess, which is about three generations of women – grandmother, mother, daughter – and what they learn, both positive and negative, from each other.
Or perhaps the novel came about because I’ve been thinking of my mother for the last five years, ever since she passed away.
My mother was the most important woman in my life. She taught me much of what I know about life, though I often resisted her lessons. I loved her deeply, but my love for her was tinged with many other complex emotions.
I think I’m not the only daughter, who feels this way.
In any case, I wrote the following piece for Redbook, pulling up memories of what she taught me in her kitchen.
Some of those lessons I’ve tried to pass on to my sons, though I’ve modified them to suit my own philosophy.
As always, I’m interested in knowing your thoughts. What lessons did you learn from your parents? Which ones, among them, would you gift to the next generation?