These are organizations that work in the fields of literacy and women's rights, two areas that Divakaruni cares about deeply and addresses in her fiction. She has been closely involved with these organizations and is convinced that the money donated to them is used effectively to change lives. She hopes you will find it in your hearts to support them.
A worldwide nonprofit organization that is dedicated to removing illiteracy in India. Pratham works in urban slums, rural outposts, prisons, labor sites where children are employed, and many other areas. Its mission is, “Every Child in School and Learning Well.” In a little more than 10 years, Pratham has brought literacy to 23 million Indian children. Divakaruni has been on the board of Pratham Houston for a number of years and now serves on the Emeritus board.
A Houston-based nonprofit that works to prevent violence against women
and to strengthen and promote healthy family relationships within the
South Asian community. Daya’s services include counseling, legal
advocacy, referrals, transitional housing and financial support to women
and children affected by family violence and sexual assault. Daya also
has an active Education and Outreach Program that aims to engage and
empower communities to address the issue of domestic violence.
Divakaruni serves on the advisory board.
Indo American Charity Foundation
Indo-American Charity Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization
that helps the underprivileged and needy with monetary and volunteer
work contributions through established and emerging organizations in
the Greater Houston Area. The Divakaruni family is closely involved with
this organization and Murthy Divakaruni (Chitra's husband) is its current President.
Akshaya Patra is an Indian NGO providing food for education to children in India. Their mission is to help underprivileged schoolchildren by providing them with a healthy, balanced meal that they would otherwise have to work for. The meal is an incentive for them to continue their education. It increases classroom attendance and reduces the dropout rate to an enormous extent. The organization reaches 1.3 million schoolchildren everyday through the mid-day meal program. Divakaruni knows the founders well and has helped in their fundraising efforts.
Saheli is a nonprofit organization based in Austin, Texas, that provides
assistance to Asian and other immigrant families dealing with
domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking. Divakaruni knows the founders and board closely and has helped Saheli in its fundraising efforts.
Maitri is a free, confidential, referral non-profit organization based
in the San Francisco Bay Area that primarily helps families from South
Asia facing domestic violence, emotional abuse, cultural alienation, and
human trafficking. Maitri provides a broad range of services such as transitional housing,
legal advocacy, transportation, counseling, child care, career
counseling, trainings on cultural competency, peer support, and court
accompaniments. Maitri also works with other organizations to raise
awareness about domestic violence.