My new novel, Oleander Girl, will be out in about three weeks--I almost can't believe it.
Just received this brand new hardcover copy of Oleander Girl.
An exciting moment in a writer's life, to see the actual, finished product, the result of years of planning, imagining, writing, obsessing, revising.
(Sorry, these are large files, and my techpertise doesn't extend to making them smaller, so you're only getting partial glimpses of the cover). The entire cover can be seen at
I've been writing a series of blogs titled Countdown to Publication about the whole pre-publication experience--including tips-- at SheWrites, a wonderful site for women writers. To read, please go to
Details of my national book tour for Oleander, which includes Houston, the San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego, Detroit, Seattle, Portland (OR), Sacramento, New York, Washington D.C., Austin and San Antonio, are at:
I hope to see some of you as I travel!